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2020-09-21 [1] : The Big Apple

Hi All,

Yes, we are back in Cobourg for 5 days of cycling in the hills of Northumberland County!

It's day 1 and our rendez-vous was with Carman at Donegan Park in Cobourg for 12:30. Our route took us east on hwy #2 before plunging south onto quiet lakeshore roads to Lakeport where Carman lived and went to school as a young boy! The weather was fabulous today and the views of Lake Ontario great!

After Lakeport, Carman took us to "The Big Apple" north of Colbourne where we enjoyed some more sun and a snack before heading further west down Orchard St and on to the Wonderful Vernonville Road! Quiet with rollers - a real blast to ride until Marion got sting by a wasp! No worries - it did not sting for long.

Our friends from Kitchener and Guelph joined us back at Breakers Inn for BBQ dinner - Paula and Krysta. Then Jetje and Dave arrived (Ottawa) so now we are 7! Lots of space on the property to spread out fortunately!

A walk on the beach with the setting sun .. and an icecream cone for Paula and Carman finished the day!

Great to be back and riding some different roads and seeing some different sights!

Harold and Marion

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photos by Harold Blount - Copyright © 2007-2023
hb at nordicwind dot ca