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2024-04-24 [16] : Lisboa

Two days in Lisbon was a culture shock. Yesterday we got on the metro to downtown and by the 2nd train we were packed like sardines!

Lots of traffic and tourists and honking horns. Then our tour bus cancelled so we found a cafe and ate food. That helped.

New plan: go to History Museum ...hard to find until we realized they renamed it 'Lisboa Story Centre'.  It was a worthwhile visit telling history of Lisbon including the great earthquake/tsunami of 1775 resulting in the rebuild of the city.

The centre square was amazing! Apparently it's had many lives from bullfights to car parks (1990s) to finally a huge open space for concerts and protests and tourists.

Today we rejected the metro and walked east down the street to the coast and joined the kiddies at the aquarium. Lots of fun! Lots of teaching too of environmental dangers and habitat loss.

Lunch in a hi-tech park watching the techies socialize. (Ericsson, Ciencia?, Vodafone and others)

Flight leaves at 5:40am .. see you all soon!

Thanks for all your emails!

Harold and Marion

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photos by Harold Blount - Copyright © 2007-2024
hb at nordicwind dot ca