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2021-08-08 [6] : Victoriaville and #4

So how did we get to Victoriaville? Well, it's busy along the south shore and hard to find accommodation .. so this seemed like a smallish town abit off the beaten path and close to some cycling routes .. if we felt inclined! 

But first we had to get out of New Brunswick and stop on the St Lawrence to check out Notre Dame du Portage and have some lunch!

What was interesting about the cemetery were the headstones re-planted against the side of the church! Why? Could it be because the crashing waves reclaimed some land? .. and who knows what else?

Lots of cyclists along Route Verte today but no cycling for us because we had a destination - Victoriaville!

Arriving hungry close to 4pm, we started a search for food. Fortunately the first restaurant recommended was closed .. so we went for the downtown pub admits a throng of motorcyclists all with interesting tattoes!

The beer was great, the Club Burger too and then Marion started to talk about "Jean Beliveau" so we asked the waitress if there was a statue? Bingo! They had put one up in 2019 and it was just around the corner!

Marion was all smiles as #4 has always been her hero and role model!

Looks like tomorrow will be straight home. We can't do any better for a finale than a night in Victoriaville!

Many thanks everyone for your emails and hope you enjoyed our trip!

Harold and Marion

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photos by Harold Blount - Copyright © 2007-2023
hb at nordicwind dot ca