
You are here : Travel Blog / Algarve-2024 / 2024-04-14 [11]    << PREVIOUS    NEXT >>

2024-04-14 [11] : Malhoa - Stupa Budista

Yesterday's day off gave us some legs for today's ride up to one of the iconic peaks in the area - Malhoa.

We decided to do a loop through some scenic roads to Salir approaching Malhoa from the north. We had some steep ramps in the last 10km of the climb hitting long stretches of 10-13% before a killer punch of 16% - then some 10% rollers to the top.

AL01b 80km and 1510m of ascent.

Yes, it was a big day!

The scenery changed as we got into this region 500m above sea level. 

Pinsas and beer on the beachfront .. and now we watch race replays (Amstel Gold).

Marion said she had great legs today .. I think she always has great legs;)

Cheers all,
Marion and Harold

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photos by Harold Blount - Copyright © 2007-2024
hb at nordicwind dot ca