
You are here : Travel Blog / Algarve-2024 / 2024-04-15 [12]    << PREVIOUS    NEXT >>

2024-04-15 [12] : Food .. and an easy ride

Today we did AL06f which took us to Boliqueime, Paderne, a lap in the valley below Alte then the climb out of the valley to Lombada and home. About 55km 600m.

We stopped in Paderne for sweet pastries and a cold drink. Temperature was hot .. maybe 28C inland by noon.

The other shots are: an interesting gate post with terracotta tiles, Marion's bike in the kitchen in Denia before it went into the suitcase, from our kitchen: salmon dinner, and tuna dinner, and coco bolas and cafe expresso on the beach on our first day in Quartiera.

Marion really likes the coco bolas sweet buns. The salmon ofcourse is Marion's favourite. I like tuna but even bought from the Lidl it is salty in taste which I don't understand. I wonder if tuna is naturally salty and I need to soak it to remove salt .. or if it's a cultural thing.

Laundry day .. left over pizza and salad for dinner.

I forgot to mention that truckload of 'wood' yesterday was cork. Portugal has some large cork forests .. and all the wine so far has had cork 'corks'.

H & M

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photos by Harold Blount - Copyright © 2007-2024
hb at nordicwind dot ca