Wednesday we retraced our route out of Meldrum Bay. We mostly had a tail wind and roads were very quiet!
At Evansville we found GG's diner and had a very nice lunch and chatted with the locals before climbing Jordan Hill South with sprinkles of rain .. nothing more. Fabulous rolling hills and quiet roads all the way to Providence Bay!
Too cold on the beach to even think about swimming! Water seemed very cold compared to Gore Bay with a strong onshore wind! Some very nice shops and coffee here!
Dinner at The Schoolhouse restaurant .. excellent food! Dessert split by 4 .. bread pudding with bourbon sauce was out of this world!
This morning (Thursday) we had an excellent breakfast and conversation with our host and said goodbye to Nick and Jenny as they headed off to Gore Bay to pick up their car and head home. We had a fabulous time with N&J and always enjoy creating new memories with them!
We have a slow morning planned here in Providence Bay as Marion and I have one more night before we cycle back to Little Current via Mindemoya and Shguiandah - avoiding the construction on the 540!
A local told us that Carter Bay would be a worth while visit and we might be able to access it by bicycle .. we might check it out this afternoon!